Argumentative Writing

The Common Core Standards highlight the shift from persuasive writing to argumentative writing, which requires students to use evidence to support an arguable claim. This unit walks students and teachers through the process with mini-lessons, sample essays, graphic organizers, and more! 


Argumentative Writing


The unit was designed to teach students about argumentative writing. The Common Core Standards highlight the shift from persuasive writing to argumentative writing, which requires students to use evidence to support an arguable claim. Additionally, students are required to state an opposing view, or counterargument, followed by a rebuttal. This unit walks teachers and students through this process. This unit is designed for the middle grades!
– Argument vs. Persuasive Writing
– Writing Claims
– Fact and Opinion
– Counterarguments
– Writing Leads
Grammar Lessons:
– Run-on Sentences
– Compound-Complex Sentences
– Using Commas
Graphic Organizers:
Building a Case
Evaluating Arguments
Additional Resources:
Argument Topics w/ Links to articles
Revising Checklist
Editing Checklist
Argument Writing: Important Words and Phrases


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